16 Must-Have Accessories for Your DeWalt Table Saw

Have you ever grown annoyed with your DeWalt table saw’s limitations? Maybe you’ve had trouble cutting accurately or wished there were more storage options. Don’t fret anymore! In this post, we’ll cover a variety of essential add-ons that can improve the usefulness and efficiency of your cherished DeWalt portable table saw.

Even though the DeWalt Table Saw is already a powerful instrument, the correct add-ons may take it to a whole new level. These essential pieces of equipment will enable you to successfully accomplish your woodworking objectives, whether your focus is on accuracy, safety, or convenience.

Imagine having the ability to precisely and easily cut through even the hardest materials. With these necessary add-ons, you can turn your standard DeWalt portable table saw into a productivity powerhouse.

Buying this equipment will undoubtedly elevate your craftsmanship, whether you’re an experienced professional or just getting started in woodworking. 

There is something for everyone here, from cutting-edge fencing systems to creative dust collection techniques. Prepare to maximize the capabilities of your DeWalt table saw as we explore the world of indispensable accessories that will transform the way you operate.

Below are the Dewalt table saw accessories that you need

Safety Accessories

When working with a table saw, safety should be your top priority.

1. Blade Guards and Splitters

Your primary focus should always be safety when operating a portable DeWalt table saw. Investing in the proper safety equipment can help you avoid accidents and provide you with peace of mind while working. A recent analysis found that the lack of appropriate safety equipment is to blame for 75% of table saw accidents. This data clearly illustrates how crucial these items are.

Blade guards and splitters are essential DeWalt portable table saw accessories. By covering the spinning blade with this straightforward attachment, you may shield your hands from cuts and other harm. Additionally, it lessens kickbacks, which can happen when wood becomes trapped on the blade and is jarringly thrown back in the operator’s direction. 

2. Hearing and Eye Protection

Must-Have Accessories for Your DeWalt Table Saw - Ear protection

Working with a portable table saw and wood may be noisy and pose great threat to the eye. This is because a table saw can make a lot of noise with objects flying around during woodworking. When using power instruments like a table saw, it’s essential to wear safety goggles and ear protection. These add-ons protect your eyes from flying objects and lessen the chance that continuous exposure to loud noises will harm your hearing.

3. Push Stick Or Push Block

Must-Have Accessories for Your DeWalt Table Saw - Table Saw Pushblock

A push stick or push block is yet another crucial piece of safety equipment for your DeWalt table saw. With the aid of these tools, you are able to control the cutting of the wood while keeping your hands away from the blade. They improve stability and control, which lowers the risk of slips or contact with sharp edges. 

4. Feather-Board

Feather board is also another DeWalt table saw accessory. It is advised to make use of a feather board since it applies pressure to the wood, ensures a firm hold, and prevents risky motions while cutting.

5. Illuminate Your Workspace: Task Lighting Attachments

The right lighting is essential for precise work. To ensure you always have a good view of your workpiece, task lighting attachments made for table saws illuminate the cutting area.

These DeWalt table saw accessories can greatly improve your safety and productivity when used in your regular woodworking activities. You can establish a safe atmosphere by purchasing push sticks or blocks, feather boards, safety goggles, ear protection, blade guards, and safety goggles. Having these accessories is important, but you also need to use them consistently and correctly each time you use your table saw. With the right safety measures in place, you won’t need to worry about unneeded risks and can concentrate on honing your art.

Moving on to talk about tools for improving precision.

Precision Enhancing Accessories

The DeWalt portable table saw requires precision-enhancing accessories if you want to advance your woodworking projects. These add-ons help you make precise, consistent cuts while also saving time and effort over time. 80% of professional woodworkers believe that precision-enhancing accessories are essential for producing results of high caliber, according to a Woodworking Magazine survey.

6. Miter Gauge and T-Square Fences

Miter gauges and a T-square fence are essential DeWalt table saw accessories. With your miter gauge, you can create precise crosscuts at a variety of angles, ensuring that your workpieces fit together seamlessly. You can quickly make neat, tight connections using a miter gauge, whether you’re building furniture or installing molding. Additionally, by giving you improved stability and control over the workpiece, employing a high-quality aftermarket fence system can significantly increase the precision of your cuts.

7. Zero-Clearance Inserts

A zero-clearance insert is an additional precision-enhancing device that merits consideration. By narrowing the gap surrounding the blade during cutting, this inexpensive but useful tool reduces tear-out on the underside of your workpiece. You can get cleaner cuts with less splintering and chip-out by avoiding small offcuts wedged between the blade and throat plate. Additionally, switching to a high-quality blade will improve your cuts’ precision and finish, leading to finer edges and fewer sanding operations.

Mobility And Storage Accessories

Mobility and storage accessories are like the wheels on a car, allowing you to easily transport and store your table saw with convenience and ease. Some DeWalt mobility and storage accessories are listed below;

8. Mobile Stand Wheel Kits

When talking about DeWalt table saw accessories, a wheel kit can be a game-changer if you routinely move your table saw around your workspace. Imagine moving your table saw around your workshop like it was floating on air with ease. In fact, a movable portable table saw stand can help you with that. This add-on transforms your heavy-duty tool into a transportable powerhouse thanks to its robust build and easy-gliding wheels. It enables you to move the bulky tool with ease and without putting undue strain on your back.

9. Tool Box

Having enough space is crucial when handling larger pieces of wood. Want extra room to work on bigger projects? This is exactly what you get with an extension table. This add-on increases the table saw's surface area, enabling you to work with larger lengths of material without sacrificing stability or precision. Long workpieces can benefit from the additional support provided by out feed extensions, which lowers the possibility of them toppling over while being cut.

The efficiency of a workspace depends on its cleanliness. You can keep your equipment and accessories organized and cut down on downtime spent looking for items by using mobile workstations and storage options made specifically for your DeWalt portable table saw.

A tool box organizes and keeps all of your necessary accessories close at hand whenever you need them, just like a reliable sidekick. It serves as a dependable assistant for woodworking jobs, making sure that no time is lost looking for lost materials.

10. Dust Collection System 

With a dust collection system, cleanup is a breeze because woodworking can produce a lot of dust, which can be quite a problem. For the longevity of your tools and your own health, keeping your workspace tidy is essential. While you work, this accessory effectively gathers wood chips, dust, and debris, keeping your workspace tidy and the surrounding air clean and free of dangerous particles. Don’t start your wood project without these must-have DeWalt table saw accessories.

11. Extension Table 

Having enough space is crucial when handling larger pieces of wood. Want extra room to work on bigger projects? This is exactly what you get with an extension table. This add-on increases the table saw’s surface area, enabling you to work with larger lengths of material without sacrificing stability or precision. Long workpieces can benefit from the additional support provided by out feed extensions, which lowers the possibility of them toppling over while being cut.

Must-Have Accessories for Your DeWalt Table Saw - table saw extension

By purchasing these mobility and storage add-ons, you’ll not only improve the performance of your portable Dewalt table saw but also make it a productive woodworking partner.

Upgraded Cutting And Versatility Accessories

12. Dado Throat Plates

You can easily construct elaborate motifs and joinery work with dado throat plates. When handling tiny components, these accessories provide you with more stability and control.

13. High Quality Blade 

An improved blade is a necessary accessory. Clean cuts and smooth finishes can be achieved with the help of a high-quality blade. Purchasing a premium blade will guarantee that your cuts are accurate and appear professional, whether you’re working with wood, plastic, or metal. To further increase the adaptability of your portable table saw, think about purchasing various types of blades for specific jobs like ripping or cross-cutting.

Must-Have Accessories for Your DeWalt Table Saw - table saw blades

14. Dado Blade Set

A dado blade set is essential for making grooves or Dados when joining pieces of furniture. You may make grooves or Dados in your material using this tool, which is extremely helpful when making furniture or cabinetry. It expands the DeWalt Table Saw’s versatility by enabling you to easily make broader cuts. Without the need for additional tools like routers or chisels, a dado set makes it simple to create slots for joints or shelves. It’s a time-saving enhancement that increases the scope of what your table saw is capable of.

Must-Have Accessories for Your DeWalt Table Saw - Dado blades

15. Blade and Bit Cleaning Kits

The longevity of your blades and bits depends on routine maintenance. Keep your equipment clean and sharp with the aid of blade and bit cleaning kits for cleaner cuts and optimum performance.

16. Miter Gauge Extension

When making angled cuts or crosscuts at various angles, this device offers additional support and stability. You’ll have better control over your workpiece and lower the likelihood of errors or mishaps by increasing the surface area surrounding the blade. Numerous options for producing elaborate designs and unique pieces are made possible by the increased freedom.

You may enhance your DeWalt portable table saw’s cutting and versatility with these must have DeWalt table saw accessories, which will help you become a better woodworker. You can accomplish anything with upgraded blades, a dado set for grooves, and a miter gauge extender for increased precision. So why settle for mediocrity when these crucial enhancements might elevate your craftsmanship? Nothing less than perfection is acceptable for your work!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use A Miter Gauge With My DeWalt Table Saw?

Many DeWalt portable table saw models are miter gauge compatible, making it simple to make precise crosscuts and angled cuts.

A miter gauge expands your toolbox’s potential for producing complex patterns and accurate cuts in your woodworking tasks. The quality of your work will surely increase if you can consistently produce angular cuts, whether you’re making picture frames or pieces of furniture. A miter gauge provides accuracy and versatility while cutting different shapes into various materials thanks to its movable fence and degree markers.

Furthermore, running your DeWalt table saw safely can be enhanced by employing a miter gauge. Kickbacks and other mishaps resulting from faulty alignment are decreased by safely directing the wood against the fence and making sure it remains parallel to the blade. 

Can I Attach A Router To My DeWalt Table Saw For Additional Functionality?

To add further capability, you can absolutely add a router to your DeWalt table saw. This is a terrific method to increase the versatility and possibilities of your table saw. You can carry out activities like making decorative edges, cutting dadoes or grooves, and even molding wood into complex forms by adding a router.

Can I Use Third-Party Accessories With My DeWalt Portable Table Saw

Yes, a lot of third-party accessories work with DeWalt table saws. However, make sure they are made for your particular model.

How Often Should I Clean And Maintain My Dewalt Table Saw Accessories? 

After each use, it is advised to regularly clean and maintain your accessories in order to increase their efficiency and lifespan.

Are Wheel Kits Easy To Install On A DeWalt Table Saw? 

Wheel kits are made to make mobility simple and typically come with simple installation instructions.

Can I Use Dado Blades On All DeWalt Table Saws? 

Dado blade compatibility varies among DeWalt table saw models. Before utilizing dado blades, make sure they are compatible by consulting your saw’s handbook.

Where Can I Find These DeWalt Table Saw Accessories ? 

As a participant in the Amazon associate program, we have done well to add relevant links to most of the accessories mentioned in this post. They are all on Amazon.com. However, if you want to get them somewhere else, you can simply do a Google search of each item, as there are other sellers who sell most of these accessories on the internet as well. 


Your experience with the DeWalt Portable Table Saw will surely be improved if you add these essential items to your toolkit for woodworking. These DeWalt table saw accessories can help you achieve any goal, whether it’s safety, accuracy, cleanliness, or adaptability, enabling you to confidently take on a variety of jobs.

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